ISRO’s Shukrayaan-1: India’s Bold Mission to Unveil the Mysteries of Venus

ISRO’s Shukrayaan-1: India’s Bold Mission to Unveil the Mysteries of Venus

ISRO Develops Shukrayaan-1 for Ambitious Mission to Venus

The News House

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is getting ready for a big mission to Venus with a new spacecraft named Shukrayaan-1. The mission aims to learn more about the planet’s air, surface, and history, which is a big deal for India’s space exploration.

Shukrayaan-1, named after Venus in Sanskrit, will closely study the planet’s air and surface like never before. The mission will focus on studying Venus’ thick, harmful air made mostly of carbon dioxide,

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along with clouds of sulfuric acid, and very hot surface temperatures. Learning about these tough conditions could give us clues about climate change and air processes on Earth.

The spacecraft will have hi-tech tools, including a radar to map the surface and a device to study the air. These tools will help scientists study things like the greenhouse effect, volcanoes, and the chance of water on Venus in the past.

ISRO’s mission to Venus is part of a plan to grow its space exploration, after the successes of its Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) and Chandrayaan missions to the Moon.

Shukrayaan-1 should launch in the early 2020s, possibly in 2024, when the planets are well-aligned.

The mission will also involve working with other space agencies and science groups. This teamwork shows how important the mission is for the whole world and how much we all want to explore Venus.

ISRO’s Shukrayaan-1 mission to Venus is a brave step forward in studying planets. It aims to solve the mysteries of our nearby planet and increase our knowledge of other planets in our solar system.

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