international criminal court cases

international criminal court cases

The Hague, June 25, 2024 – Big news today! The International Criminal Court (ICC) has said “you’re in trouble” to two top Russian army dudes. They say that Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov did really bad stuff during the Ukraine war. The world is now more mad and wants them to pay for what they did.

The ICC made their choice after they checked all the reports of war crimes. They say that Shoigu and Gerasimov hurt a lot of normal folks, put people in jail for no reason, hurt them, and killed them without a trial. The Court’s boss, Karim Khan, says that they have a lot of proof that shows the Russian army planned to scare and hurt people on purpose.

Khan said at a press talk: “We’re in it to get those who hurt folks and break the law. Our proof says that these guys planned to scare and hurt folks on purpose, and that’s an act of war crime under our rules.”

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For more than a year, the ICC has been doing a lot of work to check all the bad stuff. They talked to folks who lived through it, looked at pics from space, and read the army’s comms. The human rights folks say that they saw lots of times when the army just shot at homes, hit schools, and used stuff they should not have used.

The arrest calls for Shoigu and Gerasimov are big news as it’s the first of its kind. It shows that the ICC is not scared to go up against big guys who run the army. “These guys are in charge of the whole army and need to pay for what they did,” Khan says. “They can’t just say ‘no court for us, we run the show’.”

Russia is not a part of the ICC and says that the court just wants to pick on them. The guys in charge in Moscow say the calls for arrest have no sense and are an “attack on Russia”. They keep on saying that they did no bad stuff and that the army was right to go to Ukraine.

The Ukraine boss, Volodymyr Zelensky thinks the calls are good and thanks the world for their help. “These calls for arrest mean a lot to the folks who went through all the bad stuff,” he said. “We will help them get what they need and make sure the bad guys don’t get off easy.”

The calls for arrest make things a mess and some now think of what might come next. The ICC does not have its own force to catch them, so they count on the other court folks to help. The calls for arrest will also make it hard for the two guys to go to other lands, as they could get caught there.

As things change, the world will watch to see what Russia and its friends do next. The ICC’s move shows that we must still fight for right when there’s bad stuff in the world. It’s not just about big and strong guys, even they have to face the law. It’s a good sign that the world’s still in for what’s good and just.

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