Casa Susanna: Sanctuary for Trans Women in 1960s Upstate New York

Casa Susanna: Sanctuary for Trans Women in 1960s Upstate New York,

Casa Susanna

In the 1960s, a period marked by social conservatism and limited acceptance of gender diversity, Casa Susanna emerged as a unique and essential refuge for trans women. Located in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York, this modest bungalow offered a sanctuary where trans women could freely express their true identities away from the judgmental eyes of mainstream society.

This article delves into the history of Casa Susanna, its significance, and the lasting impact it had on the lives of those who found solace within its walls.

1. A Safe Haven in a Turbulent Era

Casa Susanna was founded by Tito Valenti, a photographer and trans woman who went by the name Susanna, and her wife Marie. During an era when being transgender was widely misunderstood and stigmatized, the couple created a welcoming space for individuals who faced marginalization and isolation.

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The property became a retreat where trans women could live openly as their true selves, sharing experiences and fostering a sense of community.

2. Life at Casa Susanna: A Glimpse into Acceptance

Life at Casa Susanna was characterized by camaraderie, mutual support, and a break from the societal constraints that dictated gender norms. Guests at Casa Susanna would often gather for weekend getaways, dressing in their preferred clothing, and participating in activities like picnics, card games, and photo sessions.

These moments were captured in a series of photographs that have since become a poignant record of the personal freedom experienced by the residents.

These gatherings were not just social events; they were crucial for the psychological well-being of the attendees. In a world where they often had to hide their identities, Casa Susanna provided an environment where they could explore and affirm their gender in the company of understanding peers.

3. The Significance of Casa Susanna in LGBTQ+ History

Casa Susanna holds a significant place in the history of the LGBTQ+ movement in the United States. It was one of the few places where trans women could find acceptance and support during a time when such safe spaces were virtually nonexistent. The existence of Casa Susanna challenged societal norms and contributed to the early discourse on gender identity and transgender rights.

The legacy of Casa Susanna is preserved through the photographs and memories of those who stayed there. These images, which surfaced publicly in the early 2000s, provide a rare and intimate glimpse into the lives of trans women in the 1960s, offering invaluable insight into their struggles and triumphs.

4. Enduring Impact and Recognition

Today, Casa Susanna is recognized as an important chapter in the history of transgender advocacy and support networks. The story of Casa Susanna is celebrated in exhibitions, documentaries, and books, highlighting its role in the broader narrative of LGBTQ+ rights.

One notable exhibition is the “Casa Susanna” collection showcased at the International Center of Photography in New York, which displayed the evocative photographs taken during the retreat’s heyday. These images have helped bring visibility to the early transgender community and underscore the importance of safe spaces in fostering self-acceptance and solidarity.

5. Lessons for the Present and Future

The story of Casa Susanna serves as a reminder of the enduring need for safe spaces where individuals can express their identities without fear of discrimination or harm. As society continues to grapple with issues of gender identity and inclusion, the legacy of Casa Susanna underscores the importance of acceptance, understanding, and community support.


Casa Susanna stands as a beacon of hope and resilience for trans women in the 1960s, providing a haven where they could live authentically and form meaningful connections. Its history is a testament to the courage of those who sought to create a better world for themselves and future generations.

As we reflect on the significance of Casa Susanna, we are reminded of the ongoing journey towards equality and the vital importance of spaces that celebrate and affirm diverse identities.

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